Nicarie Lamont Duke

16 may 2003 - 21 sept 202416 de mayo de 2003 - 21 de septiembre de 2024

Photo of Nicarie

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Nicarie Lamont Duke

16 may 2003 - 21 sept 202416 de mayo de 2003 - 21 de septiembre de 2024

Place of birth

Muskogee, OK

Most recently lived in

Oklahoma City, OK

Nicarie's favorite hobbies

Fishing and eating

Nicarie's favorite foods


Favorite bands and musical artists

Kevin Gates

Interesting facts about Nicarie

Licensed Electrician

Nicarie loved nothing more than


Favorite place in the world

Puerto Rico

Favorite TV shows

Power and The Chi

Favorite sports



Nicarie Lamont Duke, known affectionately as Carie, was born on May 16, 2003, in Muskogee, Oklahoma. He passed away on September 21, 2024, in Oklahoma City, leaving behind a legacy of kindness and a contagious smile that brightened the lives of everyone he met.

Nicarie was a licensed electrician, a profession he took great pride in, and he accomplished many of his goals during his time in high school. He had a passion for helping others and was always willing to lend a hand, making a positive impact in his community.

In his leisure time, Nicarie enjoyed fishing and indulging in his favorite food, chili. He was a devoted fan of music, often listening to his favorite artist, Kevin Gates. Nicarie loved to unwind by watching his favorite TV shows, "Power" and "The Chi," while cheering on his favorite sport, football.

Nicarie's heart belonged to Lettie, the love of his life, with whom he shared countless cherished memories. He is survived by his mother, Lyndra, and his siblings, Nakyra, Nicade, and Nakayla.

Nicarie's favorite place was Puerto Rico, where he felt a deep connection to the beauty and spirit of the island. His warmth, helpful nature, and unwavering smile will be sorely missed by all who knew him.

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Libro de visitas de Nicarie

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Nació el May 16, 2003

Muskogee, OK

Falleció el September 21, 2024

Oklahoma City, OK

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