Nathan Allen Brown

Nov 19, 2000 - Sep 14, 2022

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Nathan Allen Brown

Nov 19, 2000 - Sep 14, 2022

Place of birth

Rapides General Hospital

Most recently lived in

Pineville Louisiana

Nathan's favorite hobbies

Nathan loved playing football and baseball

Nathan's favorite foods


Favorite bands and musical artists

Interesting facts about Nathan

Nathan loved football. I always said it was because he was conceived super bowl Sunday and I went into labor while at the theater with Matt watching return of the Titans. A movie about football

If you could tell Nathan anything today, what would you say?

I would tell him how blessed I feel for having been allowed to be his mom for 21 years. I'd tell him I was proud of him, that I loved him and that I miss him

Nathan loved nothing more than

Hanging out with his friends and playing x box live

Name of High School attended

Pineville High School class of 2019

Favorite TV shows

Big Brother use to be our show before I moved out. We would watch it as a family. Each picking our favorites


I had Nathan late in life. I was 34 and had a 13 year old plus was living with his dad (Paul Brown) who had a 4 year old little girl ( Abby) and a 7 year old son (Jeffery) Since he was the baby I spoiled him rotten. He was the center of my heart and now that he's gone i am lost. He was such a smart child. I always told him he was destined to do great things. As sad as I am that he is gone I believe his death will save lives. I am going to become an advocate for drug over dose awareness in hopes that no one else has to go thru losing their baby bc of people selling fentanyl disguised as something else

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Nathan's Guestbook

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Photo of Nathan

Nathan's Photos

Nathan's timeline of pictures, videos, audio and stories.

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Photo of Nathan

Born on November 19, 2000

Rapides General Hospital

Passed away on September 14, 2022

Pineville Louisiana

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Nathan Allen Brown's memorial is managed by melissa.guree1567

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