Dec 2, 1922 - Feb 11, 2010December 2, 1922 - February 11, 2010
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No trees planted yet.
Hilton Beach (possibly)
Stella (married for 50 years)
Francis (Frank) and Ellen (Nellie) Brown
John Brown, Gary Brown, and Stacey Brown
Amanda, Eric, Tyler, Jack, Kai, Dylan, Shea, and Brock
First Mate on the tug Abitibi and Yankcanuck
Fishing and spending time at the trailer in Hilton Beach
Private service held by the family, celebration of life at Gran Festa on February 21, 2010
We'll plant real trees for you in Mr.'s memory and display your contribution forever.
All condolences, notes and wishes in this book of memories.
Mr. timeline of pictures, videos, audio and stories.
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Hilton Beach (possibly)