23 feb 1958 - 2 oct 202223 de febrero de 1958 - 2 de octubre de 2022
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Modesta “Mema” Baez was a caring wife, mother, grandmother, sister, and friend. She left this world suddenly on October 2nd, 2022 at age 64.
She was born to Erick Molina and Yailin Rodriguez on February 23, 1958 in Salinas, Puerto Rico. After graduating from high school, Modesta chased her dreams to go to America for a better life. She moved to Manhattan, New York where she met her husband, Idel Baez. Together, they had 3 children: Maria, Emmanuel, and Edward. She leaves behind 9 grandchildren: Eddie, Brianna, Elias, Anneleise, Britney, Jhade, Adonis, Jada, & Destiny.
Modesta loved spending time in the kitchen, creating delicious meals for her family. Being a Puerto Rican native cooking came naturally to her. She looked after all her children and grand children with delicious meals and a place to stay when ever they needed it. She was a skilled CNA and filled her home with all her certificates of achievements.
A funeral service is scheduled for 3:30PM on October, 7th 2022 at the John J. Ferry & Sons Funeral Home on the corner of East Main Street in Meriden CT.
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