Minnie Keys

Oct 8, 1950 - Feb 10, 2025October 8, 1950 - February 10, 2025

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Minnie Keys

Oct 8, 1950 - Feb 10, 2025October 8, 1950 - February 10, 2025

Place of birth

St. Petersburg, FL

Most recently lived in

Detroit, MI

Minnie's favorite hobbies

Ms. Minnie Keys was a beautiful person with a big heart a former middle school 6th grade teacher at Mc dole middle school in Detroit mi where all her students adored her she was loved by all who came in contact with her

Minnie's favorite foods

Every knows she loved her Pepsi and peanuts

Favorite bands and musical artists

The gap band

Interesting facts about Minnie

She was just a joy to be around so sweet lovable always willing to lift a hand

Minnie loved nothing more than

Her children two sons and one daughter she loved her children with all her heart

Favorite place in the world

Her favorite place was home in St. Petersburg Fla where she grew up as a child before relocating to Detroit Mi

Favorite TV shows

You know Minnie loved her Mash

Favorite sports


Minnie Keys was born October 8,1950 to Hurbert and Jackie Keys in St. Petersburg Fla she was the third oldest of 6 she enjoyed what she did and that was a middle school teacher in early 80’s Minnie moved to Detroit to become a teach she attended Wayne state and fulfilled her dream everyone she came in contact with loved her smile and that she could solve any problem. Minnie had 3 children Amos, Adrian& Ashley who she adored she loved her kids couldn’t tell her nothing about those 3 Minnie was called home Feb 10 to be with the lord she leaves behind her precious 3 children 4 grandchildren Aundreille “Elle Adrian jr,Jessica,Desmon”Des who will miss her dearly two sisters and one brother who proceeded her in death

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Minnie's Photos

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Born on October 8, 1950

St. Petersburg, FL

Passed away on February 10, 2025

Detroit, MI

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Minnie Keys's memorial is managed by Aundreille Keys.

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