Oct 28, 1917 - Feb 12, 2010October 28, 1917 - February 12, 2010
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Sumter, SC
Hampton, VA for 67 years
Merchandise buyer at Rices-Nachmans and Leggett Department stores
Member of Hampton Baptist Church and Ladies of the Elks in Hampton
Preceded in death by husband Robert Eugene Strawn and son William Hughson Strawn; survived by son Robert Strawn and his wife, 2 grandchildren, 3 great-grandchildren, brother Frank Baker and his wife, and sister Frances Baker
Visitation on February 15, 2010 at Parklawn-Wood Funeral Home, Celebration of Life Service at 2:00 pm in the funeral home chapel, interment in Parklawn Memorial Park
American Cancer Society
Parklawn-Wood Funeral Home, Hampton, VA
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Sumter, SC