Michael Tory Funk

Jul 30, 1964 - Sep 12, 2022

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Michael Tory Funk

Jul 30, 1964 - Sep 12, 2022

Place of birth


Michael Tory Funk, age 58, of Kansas City, KS passed away on September 12th, 2022. Tory was born on July 30th, 1964 in Oklahoma City, OK to Kenneth Funk and Sharon Hines. He attended school in Jackson, TN and graduated from Concordia High School in Concordia, KS in 1982. He then went on and got his Associate Degree at Johnson County Community College in Overland Park, KS.

Tory was an avid outdoorsman. If you couldn't find him, he was most likely at his favorite hunting or fishing spot accompanied by his loyal companion, Luke. Family was the most important thing to him. His heart was happiest when he was surrounded by his family and friends.

He is proceeded in death by his Mother, Sharon Hines; Paternal grandparents, James and Violet Funk; Maternal grandparents, Vernon and Connie Hines; Sister-in-law, Julie Funk, and Loyal Companion Luke.

Tory is survived by his father, Kenneth (Becky) Funk of McCook, Ne; Brothers, Todd Funk of Falls City, NE, Brenden (Bailey) Funk of McCook, NE; Sisters, Nichelle (Tanner) Bauer of McCook, NE, Camden (Austin) Mack of McCook, NE. 5 nephews; Nick (Sasha) Funk, Stetson and Sterling Funk, Carter Bauer, and Baylen Mack; 2 Nieces, Lauren (special friend Shawn) Funk and Scottlyn Mack; 2 great nephews and 3 great nieces. Along with a host of extended family and friends.

Tory, you may be gone from this earth, but you will never be forgotten.

We Love You, Your Family.

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Photo of Michael

Born on July 30, 1964

Passed away on September 12, 2022

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Michael Tory Funk's memorial is managed by camdenfunk2017

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