Michael Dennis Shaddrix

6 dic 1957 - 2 nov 20226 de diciembre de 1957 - 2 de noviembre de 2022

Photo of Michael

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Michael Dennis Shaddrix

6 dic 1957 - 2 nov 20226 de diciembre de 1957 - 2 de noviembre de 2022

Name of Michael's parents

Mary Lynne Sapp , Michael H Shaddrix

Name of Michael's siblings

Jennifer Lynn Shaddrix, Rhonda Jean Hardin (Nathan), Matthew David Shaddrix (Pam), Steven Allen Gaines

Most recently lived in

Ashville, Alabama

Michael's favorite hobbies

Playing pool

Interesting facts about Michael

He had a heart of gold and would give someone the shirt off of his back.

If you could tell Michael anything today, what would you say?

I love you and miss you until we meet again

Michael loved nothing more than

His Family

Favorite place in the world


Favorite TV shows

He loved watching old TV shows

Name of Dennis's Neice and Nephews

Stephen Todd Pope, Jennifer Renee Pope , Billy Nathan Hardin Jr, Christopher Riley Hardin


Dennis told me that he is right with God and he is ready.

We will be having a Celebration of his Life at the home of his nephew, Todd Pope, on Saturday December 3rd at 1:00 PM.

1016 Hillcrest Ave.

Birmingham, AL


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Libro de visitas de Michael

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Fotos de Michael

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Nació el December 6, 1957

Falleció el November 2, 2022

Ashville, Alabama

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