17 sept 1959 - 16 ago 202117 de septiembre de 1959 - 16 de agosto de 2021
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Regala plantar un árbol para Mary.
Playing spider solitaire, junking, spoiling Rachel Elizabeth Williams, her child
Orange sherbet, steak and shrimp
She was the yard sale queen of Bryan station area, she loves her dogs , she helped anyone in need and never turned away a friend
I love and miss you more with each passing day. You were my rock, and I'll always cherish the memories of our 30 years together. You were my best friend and I'll never forget you. I hope to one day make you proud. I'm never gonna stop trying becuz you would kicky rear end if I did. I can't wait to see you again. Rachel hasn't stopped one inute since you left, you'd be so proud of her. You gave her the drive to " break the cycle of crazy" and by god, I think she may just do it. I love you. Rip
Than to hang out with Rachel and her dogs
Her backyard with her powertools
Walking dead and grey's anatomy
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