Marva Dean Willis

31 jul 1952 - 12 abr 202431 de julio de 1952 - 12 de abril de 2024

Photo of Marva

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Marva Dean Willis

31 jul 1952 - 12 abr 202431 de julio de 1952 - 12 de abril de 2024

Place of birth

Howard County, TX

Most recently lived in

Midland, TX

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Marva Dean Willis, of Midland TX, went to be with her Lord and Savior April 12, 2024.

A celebration of life service will be held on April 27, 2024 at LifeHouse Fellowship in Midland, TX.

Marva was born July 31,1952 to J.O and Jeroma Dean Sanderson in Howard county. She has 3 brothers: Billy, James and John Sanderson. Later her father remarried Christine Matthies Sanderson and she was blessed with step-siblings: Lyndsey, Randy, Velinda and Debbie.

Marva was known as “Sister” to all of her family.

Marva married Curtis Allen of Colorado City, with whom she had a son, Jonathan Shane Allen.

Marva later remarried who she called, “the love of her life” Tommy Lee Willis on December 27th 1980. They lived a happy life together until she preceded his death in January 2017. They had 2 children: a son, Cody and a daughter, Sunni. Also 3 step-daughters: Traci, Kim and Darla.

Marva loved spoiling her grandchildren and great grandchildren and she had plenty to spoil.

She was known for her love for family and her faith in the Lord. She grew up in a musical family and no matter where or when the family met up there was always a guitar and singing involved. Marva loved spending time with her family and she never wanted to miss an opportunity for the family to gather. She hosted the annual family reunion for years and always made it a special day for everyone. Marva also loved her Lord with all of her heart. Throughout the years she could be seen on a stage worshipping her King or being involved with her church family serving wherever needed. She will always be remembered for her strong faith and her love for family.

Marva was survived by her 2 sons, Shane Allen and Cody Willis, her daughter Sunni and husband John Dunn, her step-daughter Traci and husband Ted Christian, step-daughter Darla and husband Anthony Sotello. Her 2 brothers James and John Sanderson, as well as her step-siblings, Velinda Petty Edward’s, Lyndsey Petty, Debbie Petty Chambliss and their families. Finally, her 14 grandchildren and 18 great-grandchildren-too many to name them all.

In addition to her husband, Tom, Marva was preceded by her parents J.O Sanderson and Jeroma Dean Sanderson, her step-mother Christine Matthies Sanderson, her step-brother Randy Petty and her step-daughter Kimberly Rae Hildreth.

Flower arrangements can be sent to Lifehouse Fellowship of Midland,TX.

Ceremonias pasadas

Celebración de la vida


sábado, 27 de abril de 2024, 13:00


Lifehouse Fellowship Church - 1607 FM1788, Midland, TX 79707, USA

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Nació el July 31, 1952

Howard County, TX

Falleció el April 12, 2024

Midland, TX

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El memorial de Marva Dean Willis está gestionado por dunn.sunni.

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