Marian Solomon

Jan 11, 1941January 11, 1941

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Marian Solomon

Jan 11, 1941January 11, 1941

Place of birth

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Marian's favorite hobbies

Marian's favorite foods

Favorite bands and musical artists

Interesting facts about Marian


Marian was born JAN 11, 1941 to Jewel and Charles Chester Newton in Lawnside NJ. She had three other siblings , Gloria, Audrey and Billy Washington. Marian was very musically inclined. She played piano, alto sax, and accordion. She accomplished dance lessons, tap, ballet and ballroom dancing. she attended Lawnside Public School, Star of the Sea Academy , Haddon Hts High School, and W. Va. State College. she married Jack Wilson and had four lovely children. Jack Jr., Tracie, John and Lisa…After a divorce, she remarried three yrs later to Edward Solomon. Marian worked at IRS, RCA and Bell Telephone, now Verizon.. She was a widow for 15 yrs….She was an organist and pianist at several Churches and played for Del Webber’s Society of Singers in Summerville Sc.. also for the Just Good Enough Group in DelWebb.

Marian loved working in the Stock Market and did very well. most of all, she loved music, and her dedication to God. Marian is now residing in Surfside Beach SC., which she loves.

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Born on January 11, 1941

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