Maria Martinez Lorenses

May 23, 1978 - Sep 27, 2022

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Maria Martinez Lorenses

May 23, 1978 - Sep 27, 2022

Place of birth

Nogales, Mexico a town she forever spoke of like home. She dreamed to live there again when she could grow old and end where she started.


Maria Jenavee Martinez Lorenses was the daughter of Thomas and Josephene Martinez. She had two brothers and one sister, Michael, James, and Carolyn Martinez. She didn’t have any kids of her own but a child in whom she would end up helping her sister raise is her niece Karagan Martinez Koster. She was loved by many and had a smile that anyone could adore. Her hard work ethic and strong communication skills helped her through her career as a nurse practitioner for the past eight years. As she found herself at her final days you would see Maria all over the country traveling and exploring as if she was trying to mark off things from a bucket list. Maria was a adventurous, smart, beautiful woman with a soul that had love for everyone. No matter how wrong she was done her heart forgave time after time again. She would speak of things she wish she could have done when she was younger with her niece often, in which they were very very close. Maria was finally able to put her suffer to rest on September 27, 2022, at 12:14 p.m. in her home with her was her sister Carolyn and her brother James. God has her in his safe place where she is able to love, explore, and care for others as she always loved to do endlessly. You will forever be in our hearts and above as our guardian angel. Rest In Peace, Maria Jenavee Martinez Lorenses.

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Born on May 23, 1978

Nogales, Mexico a town she forever spoke of like home. She dreamed to live there again when she could grow old and end where she started.

Passed away on September 27, 2022

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Maria Martinez Lorenses's memorial is managed by karagank34

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