Margaret Virginia Johnson

Jan 26, 1939 - Feb 8, 2023January 26, 1939 - February 8, 2023

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Margaret Virginia Johnson

Jan 26, 1939 - Feb 8, 2023January 26, 1939 - February 8, 2023

Place of birth

Philadelphia, PA

Most recently lived in

Philadelphia, PA

Margaret's profession(s)

Administrative Executive at the School District of Philadelphia

Name of Margaret's siblings

James Dutton, Shirley Dutton, George Dutton, Gayle Allen, Harry Dutton, Joan Dutton

Favorite bands and musical artists

She loved to dance salsa

Interesting facts about Margaret

She could pop-a-wheelie on a motorcycle in her day

Margaret loved nothing more than

Jehovah's Organization and the ministry

Margaret's superpower

Making sure all the friends were connected and in close association with one another

Favorite place in the world

Name of Margaret's parents

Margaret's favorite hobbies

Margaret would always quote a favorite scripture of her Grandson's - Jeremiah 10:23 It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step


Margaret Virginia Johnson was born on January 26th 1939 in Philadelphia Pennsylvania to Harry and Gladys Dutton.  Margaret was the 6th of 8 siblings. Margaret was educated in Philadelphia and graduated from Simon Gratz High School in (1956) After graduating Margaret went to minister in North Carolina.

When she returned, Margaret met her husband Douglas Johnson at her home residence on Norris Street in Philadelphia, PA.  They married on September 9th, 1961 in the Germantown Congregation in Philadelphia, PA and had 3 children, Mark, Minette and Cory

Margaret was an amazing mother who worked tirelessly to support her family and raise her children.  She always made sure they had association within Jehovah’s organization.  Whether at congregation picnics, trips to the Branch, or leisure activities, Margaret made sure she was expending her network of friends; something she continued to do even for her grandsons, Christopher and Caden. She was a dedicated servant of Jehovah, a wife, mother, grandmother, and a spiritual pillar within the congregation.  Many would often express the good times they had serving with her as well as the great encouragement received


Past ceremonies



Date not set


Location not set

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Margaret's Photos

Margaret timeline of pictures, videos, audio and stories.

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Born on January 26, 1939

Philadelphia, PA

Passed away on February 8, 2023

Philadelphia, PA

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Margaret Virginia Johnson's memorial is managed by c77johnson.

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