Marcus Lee Hester Jr

May 26, 2010 - Nov 26, 2022May 26, 2010 - November 26, 2022

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Marcus Lee Hester Jr

May 26, 2010 - Nov 26, 2022May 26, 2010 - November 26, 2022

Place of birth

Henderson North Caroliona

Most recently lived in

Charlotte North Carolina

Marcus's favorite hobbies

Football, Basketball, Playstation

Marcus's favorite foods

Pizza, Lasagna,Bojangles

Marcus loved nothing more than

Spending time with his Mother (Saula Peace) His father ( Marcus Hester) and his Brother ( Masiah Ragland)

Favorite place in the world

Great Wolf Lodge

Marcus's superpower

To always Light up the room


Marcus Lee Hester Jr (MJ) 12 , of Henderson, North Carolina, passed away on November, 25 2022 after a Severe Heart attack.

Marcus was born on May, 6 2010 to Saula Oni Peace and Marcus Lee Hester Jr. in Henderson North Carolina.

Marcus loved His family dearly. His Brother Masiah Amir Ragland (Pooh-Bear) was the light of his eye and he would always tell others how he aspired to be like him we he grew up. His father was his rock and was noted to be there for anything that he needed and his mother was his heart who would do anything to see him happy.

Currently Marcus was attending Middle school working on his second semester of A-B Honor Roll> Close Friends Noted him being vibrant outgoing and always the leader in whatever he was doing. He was determined to make himself shine in whatever he was doing and nobody has stated otherwise.

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Marcus's Guestbook

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Marcus's Photos

Marcus timeline of pictures, videos, audio and stories.

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Born on May 26, 2010

Henderson North Caroliona

Passed away on November 26, 2022

Charlotte North Carolina

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Marcus Lee Hester Jr's memorial is managed by raglandmasiah.

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