Mamie Lee Lowery

3 mar 1972 - 10 sept 20223 de marzo de 1972 - 10 de septiembre de 2022

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Mamie Lee Lowery

3 mar 1972 - 10 sept 20223 de marzo de 1972 - 10 de septiembre de 2022

Most recently lived in

York SC

Mamie's favorite foods

Mac and cheese, strawberry pudding

Mamie's favorite hobbies

Cooking and baking

Name of Mamie's children

Trenton Lowery


Mamie Lee was a loving and an outgoing person. She always wanted to help even if she didn’t have to give. She loved her only child Trenton and her 2 dogs, Chico and Drew. She also loved to cook and bake especially her famous Mac and Cheese and Strawberry Pudding.

Missing You


You never said I'm leaving

You never said Goodbye,

You were gone before we knew it

And only God knows why.

A million times I needed you

A million times I cried,

If love alone could have saved you

You never would have died.

In life I loved you dearly

In death I love you still,

In my heart I hold a place

That only you can fill.

It broke my heart to lose you

But you didn't go alone,

As part of me went with you

The day God took

you home.

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Libro de visitas de Mamie

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Fotos de Mamie

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Nació el March 3, 1972

Falleció el September 10, 2022

York SC

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El memorial de Mamie Lee Lowery está gestionado por shealawilkerson17.

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