25 abr 2002 - 5 dic 202325 de abril de 2002 - 5 de diciembre de 2023
Muestra tu apoyo a Makenzie y ayuda a mantener nuestra web gratuita para las familias en duelo.
Todavía no se han plantado árboles.
Merrillville, IN
Merrillville, IN
Golfing, softball, and going to the beach
All Seafood, especially a seafood boil. Pizza and Pasta
Lil Baby Offset Morgan Wallen Noah Cyrus Old Dominion Cooper Alan
MaKenzie would dip hot Cheetos in water and drink the water afterword's
Her boyfriend Abiah, Cleaning, shopping, going to the beach, taking pictures, and going outside.
Love is blind
MaKenzie has always cared about those around her. She choose to always make other happy and put others before herself. MaKenzie is quite goofy, she chooses to make silly remarks to her older siblings so they can always laugh. She never failed to make people smile even though she was hurting at times. MaKenzie is a go getter, a hard workers, and would always strive for her goals. Her wants and needs were very important to her. She loves her family tremendously , especially her grandma. Her grandma is her best friend, and has been since she was born. MaKenzie used to steal her grandmothers coffee every morning when she was a toddler and wear her grandma wigs and watch Soap operas with her. She was truly a gift.
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Merrillville, IN
Merrillville, IN