Feb 19, 1944 - Dec 21, 2022February 19, 1944 - December 21, 2022
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Blackwater, VA
Bulls Gap, TN
Mae Qualls, 78, of Bulls Gap, Tennessee, passed on December 21, 2022. Mae was born on February 19, 1944.
Mae went to be with the lord unexpectedly at her home. Mae was saved at a young age of 10 and was a member of her neighborhood church Oak Grove. Mae was a wonderful mother, grandmother, and friend. She was a faithful prayer warrior for all she loved praying hedges high around her family for protection and happiness for all she loved. Mae loved to quilt and to garden. She always wanted to care for all those around her with food, love, and kindness. She will be missed and cherished by all who knew her. We will always love you Mommy. She was preceded in Death by her loving husband; Luis Qualls, children, Lisa Patterson and David Lawson ; grandson, James Lawson; parents, Cindy and Mary Oscar; and several brothers and sisters. Mae is survived by her grand, and great children. No funeral arrangements have been decided at this time.
We'll plant real trees for you in Mae's memory and display your contribution forever.
All condolences, notes and wishes in this book of memories.
Mae timeline of pictures, videos, audio and stories.
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Blackwater, VA
Bulls Gap, TN