Madeline Leann grace Casey

1 may 2023 - 1 oct 20241 de mayo de 2023 - 1 de octubre de 2024

Photo of Madeline

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Madeline Leann grace Casey

1 may 2023 - 1 oct 20241 de mayo de 2023 - 1 de octubre de 2024

Place of birth

Oklahoma City, OK

Most recently lived in

Oklahoma City, OK

Madeline's favorite hobbies

She loved her fruit snacks and just all around loved people

Madeline's favorite foods

Chicken nuggets


Madeline Leann Grace Casey, affectionately known as Maddie, was born on May 1, 2023, in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. She passed away peacefully on October 1, 2024, in her hometown. Though her time with us was brief, Maddie touched the lives of many with her vibrant spirit and infectious laughter.

Maddie had an undeniable love for fruit snacks and chicken nuggets, which always brought a smile to her face. She was known for her funny and smart personality, endearing herself to everyone she met. Maddie's joy for life included walking, laughing, and making new friends, showcasing her natural ability to connect with others. She had a special bond with her baby sister, whom she adored.

Maddie may have been too young to have a career, but her proudest accomplishments were the simple moments of joy she created in her short life. Her love for animals and people was evident to all who knew her, and her motto could easily be summed up in her favorite snack—fruit snacks.

Madeline will be deeply missed by her family and all those who had the privilege of knowing her. Her spirit will continue to live on in the hearts of those she touched.

Recaudación de fondos para Madeline

Help cover the cost of my daughters cremation


$200 recaudado

Objetivo: $6,578

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Libro de visitas de Madeline

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Fotos de Madeline

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Nació el May 1, 2023

Oklahoma City, OK

Falleció el October 1, 2024

Oklahoma City, OK

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El memorial de Madeline Leann grace Casey está gestionado por Stephanie Hadick.

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