Lucas Dempsey

21 may 1940 - 22 oct 202221 de mayo de 1940 - 22 de octubre de 2022

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Lucas Dempsey

21 may 1940 - 22 oct 202221 de mayo de 1940 - 22 de octubre de 2022


Lucas Dempsey of Colerain, NC departed this life on January 4, 2022, in GreenVille, Maine . A native of Bertie Co., NC he was born on May 21, 1940, he was born to Shirley Wilson Dempsey and the late Elwood Dempsey. He was a homemaker. He leaves to cherish his memories: His late wife Vanessa Finn-Dempsey , five daughters, Charlene Leary of Merry Hill, NC, Latonia Boone (Santee), LaToya Leary, Nicky Leary, and Karescia Rascoe all of Colerain, NC; two sons, John Dempsey (Latasha) of Wilkesbarre, PA and Robert Dempsey Sir (Althea) of Middletown, CT; his mother, Shirley Dempsey of Colerain, NC; his siblings; 22 grandchildren; 13 great-grandchildren; a host of nieces, nephews, cousins, other relatives, and friends. Lucas could brighten up a cloudy sky with his smile and detailed stories . He could feed a village with his great chef skills , and he could catch fish for a city with he authentic fishing skills .

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Nació el May 21, 1940

Falleció el October 22, 2022

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El memorial de Lucas Dempsey está gestionado por rj.dempsey04.

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