Louise Helen Smolik Huberty

16 jun 1930 - 4 mar 202516 de junio de 1930 - 4 de marzo de 2025

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Louise Helen Smolik Huberty

16 jun 1930 - 4 mar 202516 de junio de 1930 - 4 de marzo de 2025

Place of birth

Milwaukee, WI

Most recently lived in

Brookfield, WI. Previously lived in Sun City Center, FL

Louise's favorite hobbies

Singing, knitting, birdwatching

Louise's favorite foods

Favorite bands and musical artists

“Adagio for Strings,” by Samuel Barber and “I know that My Redeemer Liveth (Messiah),” by George Frideric Handel

Interesting facts about Louise

Louise returned to college to attain a Bachelor of Fine Arts [BFA] (Music) with six children at home. In 1988, Louise wrote a supplement to the HOLT line sheet music series using the Kodály method. The Kodály method is a music education approach that uses singing, folk music, and hand signs to teach students how to read music and develop their ear training.

Louise loved nothing more than

Spending time with her 6 adult children, 13 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren.

Favorite place in the world

Favorite TV shows

Favorite sports

College attended

Bachelor of Fine Arts [BFA] (Music), Alverno College, Milwaukee, WI Master of Music (MM), University of Wisconsin Milwaukee (UWM)

Louise's profession(s)

Catholic church organist and choir/music director (1949-1981) for 32 years. Milwaukee, WI. Music Teacher at MPS Browning Elementary School (K3 - 5th Grade) Music Teacher at MPS Alexander Mitchell Integrated Arts School (K4 – 8th Grade) Music Teacher at 78th Street School (Academy of Accelerated Learning) (K4 – 5th Grade)

Louise's children

Catherine Smolik-Tubman (1953 - 1997) Steven and Barbara (Smolik) Delap John and Isabel Smolik Jr Thomas and Candice Smolik Robert and Louise (Geri) (Smolik) Fairbanks Christopher and Wendy Smolik

Louise's grandchildren

Lauren Smolik (deceased) Mauren Smolik (deceased) Kelly Hayward Valerie Hayward Christopher Hayward Meridith Tubman Angela Smolik Luke Smolik Ileana Smolik Rylan Smolik Nicole Fairbanks Joseph Fairbanks Kevin Delap

Louise's Great Grandchildren

Kendal Delap Isabelle Fairbanks

Louise's Nieces and Nephews

Adult children of Louise’s eldest sister Betty include Mary and ??? Adult children of Louise’s eldest brother Bob include Pamela, Marilyn, Mike, Patrick, Ann, and Bob. Adult children of Louise’s sister Mary include Theresa, Joe, Carol, Dave, and Rick. Adult children of Louise’s brother John include Nick, Diane, Judy, John and Rose.

Volunteer Activities

Louise was an active volunteer at numerous organizations including the Archdiocese of Milwaukee Archdiocesan Liturgical Commission (1970-1988); Volunteer member of St Pius X Guild; Volunteer receptionist at Channels 10/36 in Milwaukee, WI for six years; President of the CCW (Council of Catholic Women), Sun City Center, Florida; Lay member of the OSF (Order of St Francis), which was founded by Francis of Assisi in 1212, who was also a layperson. In 1978, OSF was renamed Secular Franciscan Order; Volunteer teacher for children of migrant workers in conjunction with the Redlands Christian Migrant Association (RCMA) and Hillsborough County Public Schools; Women’s Prison Ministry for four years; President of the Sun City Center Audubon Society with 200+ members for three years; Volunteer ER receptionist at South Bay Hospital.


Ceremonias pasadas



martes, 11 de marzo de 2025, 10:30


St Gabriel Catholic Church, 1200 St Gabriel Way, Hubertus, WI 53033, USA

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Nació el June 16, 1930

Milwaukee, WI

Falleció el March 4, 2025

Brookfield, WI. Previously lived in Sun City Center, FL

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El memorial de Louise Helen Smolik Huberty está gestionado por gerihayward.

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