Lorrain Bradley

May 20, 1949 - Jan 7, 2023May 20, 1949 - January 7, 2023

Photo of Lorrain

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Lorrain Bradley

May 20, 1949 - Jan 7, 2023May 20, 1949 - January 7, 2023

Place of birth

Cleveland ohio

Most recently lived in

Cleveland oh

Lorrain's favorite hobbies

Traveling, Football, Creating memories with family

Lorrain's favorite foods

Soul food, Seafood,Homemade Banana Pudding

Favorite bands and musical artists

Earth Wind & Fire

Interesting facts about Lorrain

She always helped when need the mold of the family

If you could tell Lorrain anything today, what would you say?

We love an will honestly miss all you

Lorrain loved nothing more than


Favorite place in the world

Browns Games

Favorite TV shows

Judge Judy


As Lorrain grew up she was always a blessing so helpful and caring in all aspects of her life. Thought out her life she always showed a strong nature she was smart and intelligent. As a young women she meet Joseph Bradley(2012) her loving husband whom they had 3 beautiful children Neyda Barnes(Marlon Barnes), Sheri Bradley, Joseph Bradley. Whom grew to have there own children in total she 7 grandchildren and 10 grant grandchildren In this family she taught live and courage and the word of the lord. In this family she was the woman of the lord she put gods word first and always taught everyone she came in contact with that god is the head. We and everyone who got a chance to connect with her was blessed

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Lorrain's Guestbook

All condolences, notes and wishes in this book of memories.


Lorrain's Photos

Lorrain timeline of pictures, videos, audio and stories.

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Born on May 20, 1949

Cleveland ohio

Passed away on January 7, 2023

Cleveland oh

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Lorrain Bradley's memorial is managed by Ellen Roy.

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