Linda Ann Mayhann

14 may 1946 - 24 ago 201714 de mayo de 1946 - 24 de agosto de 2017

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Linda Ann Mayhann

14 may 1946 - 24 ago 201714 de mayo de 1946 - 24 de agosto de 2017

If you could tell Linda anything today, what would you say?

I know now you had all the Best Advice and Intentions for me. Without Hesitation I know you Loved me with all your Heart . Would not have changed a thing . You offerd Alot and I only took what I wanted thinking that at end of the day. That you would always be there for me as you did. When you left . You left me with the understanding of a Mother's Unconditional Love. I love you so much I will see you soon.

Favorite bands and musical artists

That would be Which band My Brother Rick Shiver played the Drums in She Loved to watch Rick Ply

Linda's favorite hobbies

Digging in the yard .

Linda's favorite foods

Strawberry Milkshakes (Sonic Style)

Favorite bands and musical artists

Interesting facts about Linda

If you could tell Linda anything today, what would you say?

Linda loved nothing more than

Seeing her Grand kids And she got a little time with her 2 Great Granddaughters

Favorite place in the world

Being at Home

Favorite TV shows

CSI Miami

Place of birth


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Libro de visitas de Linda

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Fotos de Linda

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Nació el May 14, 1946

Falleció el August 24, 2017

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El memorial de Linda Ann Mayhann está gestionado por corvette.mobley1222.

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