14 may 1946 - 24 ago 201714 de mayo de 1946 - 24 de agosto de 2017
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I know now you had all the Best Advice and Intentions for me. Without Hesitation I know you Loved me with all your Heart . Would not have changed a thing . You offerd Alot and I only took what I wanted thinking that at end of the day. That you would always be there for me as you did. When you left . You left me with the understanding of a Mother's Unconditional Love. I love you so much I will see you soon.
That would be Which band My Brother Rick Shiver played the Drums in She Loved to watch Rick Ply
Digging in the yard .
Strawberry Milkshakes (Sonic Style)
Seeing her Grand kids And she got a little time with her 2 Great Granddaughters
Being at Home
CSI Miami
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