Lee Adams- Walker

24 ago 1964 - 4 feb 202524 de agosto de 1964 - 4 de febrero de 2025

Photo of Lee

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Lee Adams- Walker

24 ago 1964 - 4 feb 202524 de agosto de 1964 - 4 de febrero de 2025

Place of birth

Baltimore, MD

Most recently lived in

Brooklyn Park, Maryland 21225

Lee's favorite hobbies

Dirt Bikes , Bikes, Scooters and motorcycles. Fixing and Running Remote and Gas cars and trucks . Playing Wii, Xbox and PlayStation.

Favorite place in the world

Linthicum Maryland

Favorite bands and musical artists

Love all R&B Mary J Bouge, Drue Hill Boys to Menand etc Favorite Ballad BabyFace , DOUG R FRESH

Lee's favorite foods

Spaghetti, Cereal any Kind. He loved eating it and making . Tasty cakes and Little Debbie’s and cakes he loved. His favorite snacks were NERDS AND TASTYCAKE LEMON PIE

Lee loved nothing more than

Than his children grand children and children. Family was everything to him and he was a protector of us all. He love teaching different family members how to ride a scooter, Motorcyle . Especially his son and nephews the would ride 4 wheelers and dirt bikes. He love to make everyone smile and he was a big agitator. He was the type that kept it real what you see is what you get.

Lee's profession(s)

Professional Welder Dana Tank cleaner Department of Rec and Parks Community Aide He always kept a job from cutting grass to hauling and moving . If you need a hand he was always there.

Favorite ice cream flavor

Napoleon and Sherbert

Lee's proudest accomplishments

Receiving his Baptizing Certificate and His certificate for Welding and Award from the Mayor Office For Oustanding Work

Interesting facts about Lee

Whatever start he wasn’t stopping until he finish.


Ceremonias pasadas

Servicio conmemorativo

1806 N Patterson Park Avenue


sábado, 8 de marzo de 2025, 11:00


Greater St John Full Gospel Church - 1806 N Patterson Park Ave, Baltimore, MD 21213, USA

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Libro de visitas de Lee

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Nació el August 24, 1964

Baltimore, MD

Falleció el February 4, 2025

Brooklyn Park, Maryland 21225

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El memorial de Lee Adams- Walker está gestionado por endoratadams1947.

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