Larry Nitch

Jul 16, 1957 - Sep 24, 2022

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Larry Nitch

Jul 16, 1957 - Sep 24, 2022

Place of birth

Storm Lake Iowa

Most recently lived in

Chickasha Oklahoma

Larry's favorite hobbies

Ham radios

Larry's favorite foods


Favorite bands and musical artists

Larry lived Country music and the oldies.

Interesting facts about Larry

Larry was a mechanic and a trucker driver

Name of Larry's children

RodneyAlcorn, Joshua Nitch, Heather Rodgers, Larry Nitch Jr, and Christina Nitch

Larry's superpower

I always told him he could sell ice cream to an eskimo

Favorite place in the world


Favorite TV shows

Big Band Theory, Star Trek, Survivor


Larry was always willing to help if he could. The last few years of his life he was unable to help physically but could help verbally. He had his flaws but he was a good man. He married Donna Hannah in 1990 after being together for 8 years. He helped raise her oldest son Rodney and out of this union they had 2 children Joshua and Heather. He is survived by his wife Donna, his sons Rodney and and wife Kelly Alcorn of Mountain View, Missouri and Joshua and wife Sarah Nitch of Conroe, Texas , son in law Joshua Rodgers of Tecumseh, Oklahoma, son Larry Nitch Jr, and daughter Christina Nitch,sisters Colleen Hayes, and Gale Klosterman and husband Jerry and brother Mike Nitch . He also was survived by nine grandchildren. Andrew Alcorn, Zachary Alcorn Nicholas Alcorn , Jessica Rodgers, Brianna Rodgers, Evan Richard's, Addie Nitch, Joshua II, and Troy. Brother in law Tommy and wife Carla Hannah and Debbie and husband Alan Cobden. He is also survived by numerous nieces and nephews, and numerous great nieces and nephew. He was preceeded in death by his parents Dale and Reba, two sisters, Donna and Linda and a brother Dale Jr., and brother unlaw Carl (Kevin) Hannah and brother in law Marion Hayes. He was also preceeded in death by his precious daughter Heather.

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Larry's Guestbook

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Photo of Larry

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Larry's timeline of pictures, videos, audio and stories.

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Photo of Larry

Born on July 16, 1957

Storm Lake Iowa

Passed away on September 24, 2022

Chickasha Oklahoma

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Larry Nitch's memorial is managed by dnlnitch

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