Larry D Hale

Oct 20, 1955 - Sep 15, 2022

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Larry D Hale

Oct 20, 1955 - Sep 15, 2022

Place of birth

Little Rock, Arkansas

Most recently lived in

Wetumpka, Alabama

Larry's favorite hobbies

Larry enjoyed playing cards and fishing

Favorite bands and musical artists

Larry loves listening to earth,wind & fire

If you could tell Larry anything today, what would you say?

He was a very funny person, he loved to make everybody laugh

Larry loved nothing more than

Larry confessed was a devoted member of greater new Hope missionary Baptist Church for 38 years

Favorite TV shows

Larry favorite tv shows were the Jefferson and good times


Lary loved end ins in and fishing. i iren and family and friends.

He enjoyed playing cards and fishing.

He leaves to cherish his memory, his wile, Betty J. Hale of Kankakee, IL; two sons, Duane Hale and RaShagun Hale, both of Kankakee, IL; one daughter, Esparanza Lykes Mosley (Michael Jr.) of Kankakee, Il; nine siblings, Simmie Hale Jr. (Henrietta) of Wetumpka, AL, Janice Alfreda Jackson of Montgomery, AL, Inese Loretha Smoke of Wetumpka, AL, Nitha.Joyce Young (olly) of Alexander City, AL, Margie Hollis (Alfred) of Kankakee, IL, Frankie L. Hale of Columbus, OH, Charles E.

Hale (Mary) of Eclectic, AL, Beth Townsend (William) of Eclectic, AL and James Hale of Montgomery, Al, two brothers-in-law, Ferry Lykes (Barbara) of Inkster, MI and Kenneth Lykes of Montgomery, AL; five sisters-in-law, Mary Ellis of Kankakee, IL, Catherine Spearman (immy) of Gary, IN, Dera Smith (Willie) and Grace Lykes, both of Wetumpka, Al, and Jessie Lykes-Curtis of Hinesville, GA; two aunts, Willie D. Freenan and Mildred Benson, both of Wetumpka, AL; one uncle, Ben Earl Gray of Brooklyn, NY; 10 grandchildren; two great-grandchildren and a host of nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends.

He was preceded in death by his mother, Mable Leverne Hale; his father, Simmie Frank Hale and a granddaughter, Ta'Niyah Hale.

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Larry's Guestbook

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Photo of Larry

Born on October 20, 1955

Little Rock, Arkansas

Passed away on September 15, 2022

Wetumpka, Alabama

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Larry D Hale's memorial is managed by wopstewart1127

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