11 nov 1998 - 30 nov 202011 de noviembre de 1998 - 30 de noviembre de 2020
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Harrison Memorial Hospital Bremerton, Washington 98310
Bremerton, Washington
Heidi Vargas (Mother) Karl Chapman (Father)
Travis Chapman and Rebekkah Young
Jeneral Lee, Trace, Munchie and Mia
His babysitter. She meant the world to him. All he ever wanted was to make her proud to call him her brother!!!
With Family!!! Blood or not. You all know who you are!!!
Anything and everything!!!
I love and miss you kid so much more than you'll ever know. I'm sorry I wasn't with you when you passed. To hold you and let you know you weren't dying alone. I'd also tell you that you're an uncle. Your niece Kinsley will know all about you and what an awesome uncle you would be!!
He died before he had any that we know of.
He died too young. Never had any children therefore no grandchildren either.
Plantaremos árboles de verdad en memoria de Kristopher y mostraremos tu contribución para siempre.
Todas las condolencias, notas y deseos en este libro de recuerdos.
La línea de tiempo de Kristopher con fotos, videos, audios e historias.
Selecciona una foto para expandirla y ver sus comentarios.
Harrison Memorial Hospital Bremerton, Washington 98310
Bremerton, Washington