18 dic 1981 - 7 sept 201718 de diciembre de 1981 - 7 de septiembre de 2017
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I love you with my whole heart and soul
Her son's
Music, butterflies, the beach and clothes
Pasta chips
Dylan check and Nathan check
Terrie Denise Richardson
Terrie Lynn McGraw and James Kevin Richardson
Kristian was very strong willed and tons of self esteem and confidence no matter what throwed her way she faced it head on and always kept her son's
The thing I would love for her to know is no matter how much you and your sister were brainwashed against me I fought every day for 35 years to prove that everything was a lie that you were told I was always in y'all's lives and I loved you sense the second I found out I was pregnant with you and then your sister and I'll love you both until my last breath I wish I could have convinced you when you were both here but I love you with my whole heart and soul my being my everything there's no end to how much I love you and how much it hurts
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