3 ago 1976 - 24 dic 20213 de agosto de 1976 - 24 de diciembre de 2021
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Todavía no se han plantado árboles.
Macon, Mississippi
Aberdeen, Mississippi
Roy Clifton Elmore, JR. &Nancy Earlene Prestridge
Her family
Dana Wilson, Gayle White, & Ann Mosley
You are loved and missed more than you will ever know. I need you now and always have needed you so very much.
Katie Warren
Being Katie's Mother
Full House
Daddy and Momma's house
Kim was my younger sister, my mom's third little girl. She had the biggest, most forgiving heart of anyone I know. When she loved, she loved hard and with all her heart. Anyone who met Kim will never forget her. She was such an amazingly strong person and I am truly blessed to have been given the pleasure and honor of being her bigger sister. I love and miss you so much. Fly High My Angel.
Plantaremos árboles de verdad en memoria de Kimberly y mostraremos tu contribución para siempre.
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La línea de tiempo de Kimberly con fotos, videos, audios e historias.
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Macon, Mississippi
Aberdeen, Mississippi