Kendra Renee Goodman

Jun 07, 1988 - Oct 14, 2022

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Kendra Renee Goodman

Jun 07, 1988 - Oct 14, 2022


Kendra Renee Goodman, 34, of Ashland, Ky died on Friday, Oct 14th 2022. Kendra was born on June 7th, 1988 to Patricia Goodman and James Ruggles. Kendra obtained her GED in 2008, and went on to establish a small business where she baked cookies, cakes and other desserts for private events and birthday parties.

She is preceded in death by her mother, Patricia Goodman of Huntington, Wv and her grandparents, Vern and Lovetta Goodman and is survived by her stepfather, Gary Wheeler of Flatwoods, Ky; 3 sisters; Trish Ruggles, Jessica Goodman, Heaven Knuckles and husband Andrew Knuckles of Ashland, Ky and one brother, Lyle Ruggles of Ashland, Ky.

In lieu of a public service, Kendra’s family will be holding a celebration of life for immediate family members and close friends on Wednesday, October 19, 2022.

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Photo of Kendra

Born on June 07, 1988

Passed away on October 14, 2022

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Kendra Renee Goodman's memorial is managed by heaven.wheeler

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