Kellie Fields

Oct 06, 1982 - Mar 03, 2024

Photo of Kellie

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Kellie Fields

Oct 06, 1982 - Mar 03, 2024

Place of birth

Portland, OR

Most recently lived in

Sheridan, OR

Kellie's favorite hobbies

Going to the beaches

Kellie's favorite foods

Seafood an southern food

Favorite bands and musical artists

She loved country music, going to concerts and listening to the blues on long drives

Interesting facts about Kellie

Kellie had three loving children, she came out at the age of 25, and she lived every day like it'd be her last

Kellie loved nothing more than

Her children and her beloved wife Bev

Favorite place in the world

Portland Oregon for all of its cultures from all over as well as the interesting people she'd meet

Favorite TV shows

Any mystery or crime shows, such as Bones and criminal minds it's is about cops or crime she's seen it

Favorite sports

Loved football her team was the 49ers, recently she started to like racing like Nas car and the works.


"Remembering Kelly: How Her Light Continues to Inspire Us"

Death is a natural part of life, but that doesn't make it any less painful when we lose a loved one. When someone close to us passes away, we are left with a hole in our hearts and a void in our lives. We grieve, we mourn, and we struggle to come to terms with the fact that they are no longer with us. But sometimes, even in the midst of our grief, we can find solace in the memories and legacies of those we have lost. And that is exactly the case with Kelly.

Kelly was a bright light in the lives of those who knew her. She was full of energy, love, and compassion, and she touched the hearts of everyone she met. She was the kind of person who made you feel seen, heard, and understood. Her presence could light up a room and her contagious laughter could cheer up even the gloomiest of days.

But tragically, Kelly's light was extinguished too soon. She was taken from us far too soon, leaving behind a void that can never be filled. And yet, despite her physical absence, her light continues to shine within each of us who knew and loved her. It lives on in our memories, our hearts, and our souls.

It's been said that death ends a life, but not a relationship. And this couldn't be more true for Kelly. Although she may no longer be physically present with us, her spirit lives on in each and every one of us who had the privilege of knowing her.

Kelly's impact on those around her was immeasurable. She was a source of strength, love, and inspiration to so many people. And as we continue to move forward without her physical presence, it's important that we carry her spirit with us every step of the way.

But how do we do that? How do we keep Kelly's light shining within us as we navigate through life without her? The truth is, it won't be easy. We will have our moments of sadness and grief, and that is completely normal and understandable. But we must also remember to honor Kelly's memory by embodying the qualities that made her so special.

One of the things that made Kelly such a special person was her unwavering kindness and compassion. She always had a smile on her face and a kind word for everyone she met. She never hesitated to lend a helping hand or offer a shoulder to cry on. And that is something we can all strive to emulate in our own lives.

We can honor Kelly's memory by being kind to others, by spreading love and positivity, and by being there for those who need us. We can carry on her legacy by being the light in someone else's life, just as she was in ours.

Another important aspect of Kelly's spirit that we can carry with us is her love for life. She lived each day to the fullest, never taking a single moment for granted. She reminded us to appreciate the little things, to find joy in the simple pleasures, and to make the most out of every moment.

In a world where we are constantly bombarded with stress and responsibility, it can be easy to forget the beauty of living in the present. But Kelly's spirit serves as a reminder to slow down, take a deep breath, and truly appreciate the gift of life.

And finally, let us not forget Kelly's unwavering strength and resilience. She faced challenges with grace and determination, never letting them dim her light or break her spirit. Even in the face of adversity, she remained strong and never gave up.

As we move forward without Kelly physically by our side, let us remember her strength and use it as inspiration to face our own challenges head-on. Let us carry her determination and resilience within us, knowing that if she could overcome any obstacle with such grace, so can we.

In the end, it's not the years in our life that count, but the life in our years. And Kelly certainly lived a life full of love, light, and laughter. Although she may no longer be here with us, her impact on our lives will never be forgotten. And as long as we carry her spirit within us, her light will continue to shine for eternity.

So let us all take a moment to remember Kelly and the beautiful soul that she was. Let us honor her memory by living our lives with kindness, love, and strength. And may her light continue to guide us and inspire us as we move forward on our journey without her physical presence. Rest in peace, dear Kelly. You will be forever missed and always remembered.

Past ceremonies



Sunday, March 31, 2024 at 10:31 PM


Sheridan United Methodist Church - 224 N Bridge St, Sheridan, OR 97378, USA

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Photo of Kellie

Born on October 06, 1982

Portland, OR

Passed away on March 03, 2024

Sheridan, OR

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