Kaitlynn Ann Curtis

Mar 23, 1994 - May 06, 2023

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Kaitlynn Ann Curtis

Mar 23, 1994 - May 06, 2023

Place of birth

Weston, West Virginia


Graduated from Webster County High School in 2013


LPN at Cowen Nursing and Rehabilitation Center


Bead work, board games, watching TV, playing with animals


Mother Pamela Malcomb Curtis, daughter Madison Faith Warren, fiancé Joseph Warren, brother Allyn Burl Curtis, uncle John Curtis, and aunt Mary Curtis Redman

Preceded in death by

Father Lowell Curtis

Funeral arrangements

Cremation with a memorial service to be held at a later date, services entrusted to Morris Funeral Home

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Born on March 23, 1994

Weston, West Virginia

Passed away on May 06, 2023

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