Kagney Linn Necessary

Mar 28, 1987 - Feb 15, 2024

Photo of Kagney

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Kagney Linn Necessary

Mar 28, 1987 - Feb 15, 2024

Place of birth

Pasadena, TX

Most recently lived in

Parma, OH

Kagney’s Family

Mother; Tina L. Christner, StepFather; Todd M. Christner, Siblings; Ian Necessary, Harlee Christner, Niece; Joslyn and Xavier Necessary, and beloved family pet Ezoc.

Kagney's superpower

She had an infectious smile and her gift of kindness. She was very humble and loving and touched so many people’s hearts and souls, some with just a smile and wave and some with deep meaning and guidance. She was nothing short of amazing.

Favorite bands and musical artists

Amy Winehouse, Adele, Nelly Furtado, she loved Classic Rock and Roll and 80’s music, following her Mother’s footsteps.

Favorite TV shows

She loved Ancient Aliens and The Boys, a series on Hulu

Kagney loved nothing more than

She loved to inspire people, laugh, she loved to eat!!!! She also loved to exercise and share how to eat healthy and feel good.

Favorite place in the world

Kagney’s favorite place in the whole world was to be at her Mom’s house. They were inseparable.

Kagney's proudest accomplishments

Kagney was most proud of her sobriety. Seven years.

Favorite sports

Kagney loved to exercise, pole exercise became a huge part of her life and it saved her life so many times, she also love running and riding her bicycle. She loved walking Ezoc and she loved the KC Chiefs.


Kagney’s friend Mercedez Zoe said it best, life isn’t a linear path of good or bad. It has its bobs and weaves. Sometimes the Ocean is calm and sometimes it has terrible ripping waves that are dragging you under any out to sea. Something about the ocean is it’s vast and and dark and largely unexplored and unknown. I like to think being a human is a lot like the ocean. We have this set amount of things we know about it, and certain devises and tools to help keep us afloat, but sometimes it is so very easy to let go of that raft and float into the unknown. Kagney was beautifully radiant and so so very kind. Sweet Kagney took it upon herself to pull me aside and give me advice a long time ago about how to deal with things out of my control and reminded me to love myself and I have carried that with me, so like an ocean she was so vast spreading across many corners of the world touching hearts.

Life can be hell, when the waves crash over you and pull you in, but remember it is also calm. It’s loving. It’s beautiful. Kagney lives among the beauty in life. Dew on grass, sunsets on the horizon, birds chirping happily in the morning, a little child gleefully holding an ice cream cone, music that fills your heart and makes you weep, the feeling of calm when the sun hits your skin. Kagney is alive in every single beautiful thing on this planet.

Past ceremonies

Celebration of Life

Memorial tribute to Kagney from her pole fitness community for her loved ones.


Friday, March 8, 2024 at 5:00 PM


1278 W 9th St - 1278 W 9th St, Cleveland, OH 44113, USA

Celebration of Life

There will be a celebration of life @ 3pm in Ridgway, Pa at United Faith Church of Christ 400 Ash Street Ridgway Pa 15853. Dinner to follow at the Elks Lodge @ 4pm.


Saturday, March 9, 2024 at 3:00 PM


400 Ash Street, Ridgway, PA 15853, USA

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Kagney's Guestbook

All condolences, notes and wishes in one book of memories.

Photo of Kagney

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Kagney's timeline of pictures, videos, audio and stories.

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Photo of Kagney

Born on March 28, 1987

Pasadena, TX

Passed away on February 15, 2024

Parma, OH

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Photo of Kagney
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Kagney Linn Necessary's memorial is managed by Shelly Butts and Tina Christner

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