Joyce Douckie

5 ene 1944 - 30 nov 20225 de enero de 1944 - 30 de noviembre de 2022

Photo of Joyce

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Joyce Douckie

5 ene 1944 - 30 nov 20225 de enero de 1944 - 30 de noviembre de 2022

Place of birth

Kingston Jamaica

Most recently lived in

Sunrise Florida

Joyce's favorite hobbies

Singing, dancing and cooking

Joyce's favorite foods

Curry shrimp

Favorite bands and musical artists

Indian Music

Interesting facts about Joyce

Single Mother to four daughters who came to the united states to give her children the best quality of life and she did just that.

If you could tell Joyce anything today, what would you say?

Thank you for sharing your wisdom

Joyce loved nothing more than

Having her family together

Favorite place in the world

At home with music playing

Favorite TV shows

Food network


Joyce was born in Kingston Jamaica where she lived in a small home with many siblings. Being the oldest of 8 she cared for her siblings up until she gave birth to her first daughter. After becoming a mother she she worked at a local shop once name Jimmy's in her neighborhood.Joyce moved to the United States in 1987 following behind her 4 daughters. She worked in a children's retail store for over 20 years.

We thank everyone for the thoughts and prayers as we lay our Mother, Grandmother, Sister, Cousin our Friend to rest.

Private Viewing and Service will be held

December 9 &10 please reach out privately for further information.

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Libro de visitas de Joyce

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Fotos de Joyce

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Nació el January 5, 1944

Kingston Jamaica

Falleció el November 30, 2022

Sunrise Florida

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El memorial de Joyce Douckie está gestionado por keisha.arjun.

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