John Michael McMurry

30 nov 1944 - 8 ene 202330 de noviembre de 1944 - 8 de enero de 2023

Photo of John

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John Michael McMurry

30 nov 1944 - 8 ene 202330 de noviembre de 1944 - 8 de enero de 2023

Most recently lived in

Wylie, Tx

John's favorite hobbies

Spending time with his wife and dogs

Interesting facts about John

Colorful conservative, Spent time in both the Army and the Navy


Mike passed away Sunday, January 8th, 2023. He was in home hospice for a little over a year suffering from Parkinson's with Alzheimer's. Even though we knew his remaining time with us was going to be short we were not prepared for his sudden death. Unfortunately, Covid expedited this.

Mike was an incredibly colorful character who loved history and everything conservative Republican much to the ire of his hippy-dippy daughter and grandson. Was he always the best dad, husband, or however all of us are eternally grateful for the bonds that we formed before his death.

Mike is survived by Sharon McMurry, his wife of 55 years, son Brian and wife Ruthie McMurry, daughter Shannon and husband Josh Holt, daughter Llani Thomas and 10 grandchildren: Austin, Chelsea, Grayson, Brennan, Mallory, Rylie, Connor, Sam, Cloye and Millie.

Ceremonias pasadas

Servicio conmemorativo

Please bring your memories to share. We will spread his ashes.


sábado, 4 de febrero de 2023, 13:00


Mallard Park

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Nació el November 30, 1944

Falleció el January 8, 2023

Wylie, Tx

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El memorial de John Michael McMurry está gestionado por melodyc27.

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