Dec 22, 1912 - Feb 12, 2010December 22, 1912 - February 12, 2010
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Marshall, Ill.
Graduated from Texas A&M College with a degree in petroleum engineering in 1934
Served in the U.S. Army’s Fifth Cavalry during World War II, earning the rank of captain
Worked for Stanolind Oil Company (now BP Amoco) for over 40 years, serving as area foreman for Amoco in Odessa until his retirement in 1977
Enjoyed bird hunting, fishing, and golf in his younger years, later switched to bird watching and hiking
Married Margery Power in 1939, had one daughter named Carolyn
Member of the Methodist Church
Dearly loved and respected by his fellow employees, over 400 people attended his retirement party at the Ector County Coliseum
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Marshall, Ill.