Joe John Mata

28 dic 1972 - 10 dic 202328 de diciembre de 1972 - 10 de diciembre de 2023

Photo of Joe

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Joe John Mata

28 dic 1972 - 10 dic 202328 de diciembre de 1972 - 10 de diciembre de 2023

Place of birth

San Antonio

Most recently lived in

San Antonio

Joe's favorite hobbies

Carpentry, playing the guitar, piano and painting

Joe's favorite foods

Popcorn, Ice-Cream, candy, he had a huge sweet tooth.

Favorite bands and musical artists

Pink Floyd, Mazzy Star. He loved rock but would listen to anything

Interesting facts about Joe

Anyone who knows him knows he loved his hair. He would take about 20-30 mins a day to get it just right. He also got really into working with wood his last couple of years. He loved making walking sticks and carving into them to make different designs.

Joe loved nothing more than

His family. He always put his family first and would do anything to see them smile even if it meant he had to look ridiculous. He adored his granddaughter and loved hanging out and playing with her. In his spare time he would paint , work on making walking sticks, play the guitar and piano. He was a horror movie enthusiast and loved everything creepy.

Favorite place in the world

Favorite TV shows

X-Files and anything horror

Favorite sports

He was never a huge sports fan but could school you in horror movie trivia.


One last howl at the moon.

He was taken too soon, Unexpectedly in the night he went to a better life. So many words left unsaid, so many adventures that will never take place. A father, grandpa, son, brother and friend was taken from us but he was more than just those titles. He was a safe place when nothing seemed to go right in life, he was someone you could call no matter the time to vent, he was a detective and scared away all the monsters when his granddaughter was scared. He was easy going and always trying to make someone laugh. Joe John Mata or as he liked to call himself Lobo died at 50 years old leaving behind his daughter, Jazmin, 29yrs, granddaughter, Kaylee, 13yrs, mother Yolanda Ortiz, 69yrs , Father, Jose Luis Mata (Lee), 71yrs, Brother, Roy, 48yrs and Brother, Eric, 44yrs. He is remembered in every popcorn filled movie night, every Pink Floyd song and every howl at the moon. He is gone but never forgotten, his memories live through us. He wasn't religious but in the words of Pink Floyd "The grass was greener The light was brighter When friends surrounded The nights of wonder Looking beyond the embers of bridges glowing behind us To a glimpse of how green it was on the other side Steps taken forwards but sleepwalking back again Dragged by the force of some inner tide At a higher altitude with flag unfurled We reached the dizzy heights of that dreamed of world."

Ceremonias pasadas

Celebración de la vida

To celebrate my dads life we will have a celebration to share all those amazing memories we have with him. There will be food and all the things he enjoyed, rock and roll, painting and a lantern release. I hope to see you all there to share his memories.


sábado, 30 de diciembre de 2023, 17:00


2806 Cedar Plain Dr - 2806 Cedar Plain Dr, San Antonio, TX 78245, USA

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Nació el December 28, 1972

San Antonio

Falleció el December 10, 2023

San Antonio

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El memorial de Joe John Mata está gestionado por Jazmin Parrilla.

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