Jimmie Juicy J A.K.A Murray

Apr 27, 1989 - Jan 1, 2023April 27, 1989 - January 1, 2023

Photo of Jimmie

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Jimmie Juicy J A.K.A Murray

Apr 27, 1989 - Jan 1, 2023April 27, 1989 - January 1, 2023

Jimmie's favorite hobbies

Hanging out with bad b****** and and fishing for whatever we want

Most recently lived in

Jimmie's favorite hobbies

Jimmie's favorite foods

Family bbq

Favorite bands and musical artists

Down home blues

Interesting facts about Jimmie

Love to enjoy life driving a big fancy car that had to be washed everyday and walking into a big crowded room saying hello how are you excuse me

If you could tell Jimmie anything today, what would you say?

Y'all didn't tell me nothing when I was here so nothing

Jimmie loved nothing more than

Favorite place in the world

So far Jamaica

Favorite TV shows

Nuts and butts

Place of birth

Cadillac DTS back seat California and Jackson baby I was out before I go to the hospital


J I know you're in a safer place You're face to face with the creator and our maker
And if you and vanny and fay happen to chat Tell her me and Dion we know she's much saferIf you see candra Murray
Up in the clouds She still the illest
We had around
Ontario Shant;We say one (one yeah yeah)
One day we will see y'all again
With the same old beautiful smiles
All styles so many styles
And y'all be doing the same old things
The last time we seen ya
We hope y'all can change the world
Let them see how short life be
It would never be the same since you had to go
To the music world y'all are incredible

Plant a Tree in Jimmie's memory

We'll plant real trees for you in Jimmie's memory and display your contribution forever.

Jimmie's Guestbook

All condolences, notes and wishes in this book of memories.


Jimmie's Photos

Jimmie timeline of pictures, videos, audio and stories.

Select a photo to expand it and view its comments.


Born on April 27, 1989

Cadillac DTS back seat California and Jackson baby I was out before I go to the hospital

Passed away on January 1, 2023

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Jimmie Juicy J A.K.A Murray's memorial is managed by jimmiemurray042789.

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