Dec 24, 1979 - Oct 11, 2022December 24, 1979 - October 11, 2022
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No matter where we are,or even what's goin on around him if music starts to play....he couldn't help but Dance!!.♥️
💰Circle k. On Fulton and Columbia😎
1. )He could DANCE💯 2.) He wrote pretty good raps/music!! 3.) He always looked out for his friends.... Especially the ladies😘😘
That homemade Vegetable Chili was fire!!😇☺️😔😌🙃🥲
1. Marsha Zeigler 2. Tabitha Perkins 3. Maurice Watson 4. Tessa Oldam 5.Brandon Hudson 6. Drew Good ridge 7.Brittany Harper 8.Paigerick Moody
To chill out and listen to music loud and hang out with his friends💙
He leaves behind a whole Town of people who will NEVER be able to forget him. People say that goin to Circle K&Big Top will never be the same, as well as crumping or breakdancing will never be the same to Jimtown anymore...
♥️Boogie*he created a new swag of his own!. He will be truly missed and never ever forgotten! We kno that he's definitely an Angel watching us all from above.
We'll plant real trees for you in Jermon's memory and display your contribution forever.
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