Jeffery D Young

Sep 8, 1963 - Dec 14, 2019September 8, 1963 - December 14, 2019

Photo of Jeffery

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Jeffery D Young

Sep 8, 1963 - Dec 14, 2019September 8, 1963 - December 14, 2019

Place of birth

Gadsden Al

Most recently lived in

Gadsden Al

Jeffery's favorite hobbies

Fishing, playing bid Whiz, and working at his self-employed business Lreahs

Jeffery's favorite foods

Chinese food and turkey and dressing

Favorite bands and musical artists

The O'jays and Gerald Levert

Interesting facts about Jeffery

Jeffery loved to write poetry and known for his funny sense of humor

If you could tell Jeffery anything today, what would you say?

You were a good husband and you always made your spouse laugh a lot despite your illness

Jeffery loved nothing more than

To go fishing and listen to his music

Favorite place in the world

Australia even though he didn't have an opportunity to visit

Favorite TV shows

The Rifleman and Gunsmoke


Jeffery was 56 years old and loved to tell funny stories and also had invention ideas he wanted to patent but never got a chance to do it due to his untimely demise. He was married 26 years to a wonderful woman who deeply cherished him and continues to have a place in her heart for him

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Jeffery's Guestbook

All condolences, notes and wishes in this book of memories.


Jeffery's Photos

Jeffery timeline of pictures, videos, audio and stories.

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Born on September 8, 1963

Gadsden Al

Passed away on December 14, 2019

Gadsden Al

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Jeffery D Young's memorial is managed by Verlita Young.

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