Jean Williams

Oct 31, 1933 - Mar 01, 2017

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Jean Williams

Oct 31, 1933 - Mar 01, 2017

Jean's favorite hobbies

She loved going four wheeler riding with her family and friends

If you could tell Jean anything today, what would you say?

I love you and I can’t wait for you to make memories with my babies

Name of Jean's parents

Clarence and Georgiann Smith

Name of Jean's children

Deborah, Pammy, Donna, Abby, Kathy, Charles, Larry, Timothy, Bobby, Danny

Place of birth

Van, WV

Jean's profession(s)

She was a homemaker

Name of Jean's siblings

Doodle, Francis, and JoAnn

Jean loved nothing more than

Being around her family and friends

Jean's pets in life


Jean’s favorite holiday


Name of Jean's grandchildren

Denise, Eddie, Michael, Christina, Darla, Traci, Samantha, Ashley, Lil Freddie, Laura, Amanda, Sidney, Kayla, Billy, Mary, Shannon, Deedle, Edison

Name of Jean’s great grandchildren

Tequila, Billy, Christoper, Christian, Dominic, Adam, Lydia, Zoey, Nicolas, Nathaniel, Richard, Kelsey, Carly, Kennth, Ryker, Hunter, Devin, Alyssa, Brett, Kira, Trever


My grandmother was a loving person. She loved everyone as her own family. She didn’t know a stranger. She was the life of the party always wanting to have a good time. I miss her dearly

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Jean's Guestbook

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Jean's Photos

Jean's timeline of pictures, videos, audio and stories.

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Born on October 31, 1933

Van, WV

Passed away on March 01, 2017

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Jean Williams's memorial is managed by chevy_girl1993

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