Jay A. Jennato

Jan 22, 1970 - May 17, 2023

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Jay A. Jennato

Jan 22, 1970 - May 17, 2023

Place of birth

Manchester, NH


Bachelors' Degree in Science and Civil Engineering from University of NH, Durham


Foreman at Severino Trucking

Community involvement

Board member of Hooksett Youth Activities Association (HYAA), soccer coach for Hooksett Cawley Middle School and Hooksett Travel Soccer


Snowmobiling, motorcycle riding, hunting


Wife Karen (Bonenfant) Jennato, children Joshua and Heather Jennato, parents Donna Davis, Steve Murphy, Darryl Jennato, and Marie Jennato, brother Scott Jennato, step brother Roy Jenkersen

Celebration of life

Thursday June 1, 5-7pm at Roan Family Funeral Home

Memorial donations

American Diabetes Association

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Born on January 22, 1970

Manchester, NH

Passed away on May 17, 2023

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