James Reed Miller

Jul 09, 1980 - Feb 09, 2022

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James Reed Miller

Jul 09, 1980 - Feb 09, 2022

James's favorite hobbies

Most recently lived in

Lincoln, ne

James's favorite hobbies

James loved hisvfriends and liked haging outside with them playing frisbee

James's favorite foods

Believe itnor not frozen pizza lol

Favorite bands and musical artists

He enjoyed all kinds of music but his favorite was country

Interesting facts about James

James was premature by 3 months he was a miracle baby he weighed 1lb 10 oz when he was born hecwas so strong he pulled through and i got to take him home at 4lbs he was so tiny. He had avgreat big heart.

If you could tell James anything today, what would you say?

I would rell him that i love hom very much and that he is missed by all the people he touched no one ever had a bad thing to say about him only that he was a kind and loving person and i was proud to be his mother

James loved nothing more than

His mother and football in that order

Favorite place in the world

Surrounded by his buddies just hanging out

Favorite TV shows

Wow there are so many he loved bonanza, he loved watching anything really


James was a peaceful forgiving soul, he was quiet, but he listened, he hated to see anyone in pain of any kind, he loved his cat harry, who misses him very much. I am his mother and i know he loved me so much, he was my first born and i will always miss him

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Born on July 09, 1980

Passed away on February 09, 2022

Lincoln, ne

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James Reed Miller's memorial is managed by Marilyn hansen

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