James Payne

26 feb 1962 - 12 mar 202326 de febrero de 1962 - 12 de marzo de 2023

Photo of James

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James Payne

26 feb 1962 - 12 mar 202326 de febrero de 1962 - 12 de marzo de 2023

Interesting facts about James

he loved going to church he’s up and ready every Sunday.

James loved nothing more than

His family


James E Payne 58 of Ithaca New York passed unexpectedly on Sunday, May 10, 2020 at his home.

Born February 26, 1962 in Owassa, Alabama, he was the son of the late Willie And Ruby Mitchell Payne.

James had been employed at Cornell University in the food service

department and later at Kentucky Fried Chicken. He was a member of Bethlehem Church of Jesus Christ in Ithaca where he often put his culinary touches to the church functions and their fund raising barbecues. He was one to treat everyone fairly and had a smile for those he met.

He is survived by his siblings Larry Payne, Gary Payne, Tony Payne, Terry Maxwell, Janette Cirulli, Brenda Payne, Mary Louise Presley, Sharon Payne and 2 special brothers

Fred Sample and Kevin Weaver also many nieces and nephews.

Besides his parents he was predeceased by his siblings Lacretia, Janice, Terry, Jerry, Billie, Tyrone, and Curtis.

James will be buried in the Frear memorial park at the convenience of the family.

Ceremonias pasadas



sábado, 18 de marzo de 2023, 23:30


Frear Memorial Park - 110-130 Hayts Rd, Ithaca, NY 14850, USA

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Nació el February 26, 1962

Falleció el March 12, 2023

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El memorial de James Payne está gestionado por dymondpayne.

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