James Charlies Burns

22 nov 1996 - 8 oct 202422 de noviembre de 1996 - 8 de octubre de 2024

Photo of James

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James Charlies Burns

22 nov 1996 - 8 oct 202422 de noviembre de 1996 - 8 de octubre de 2024

Place of birth

Saint Joseph, MO

Most recently lived in

Charlotte, NC

James's favorite hobbies

James enjoyed long walks and nature. He also loved eating anime all day long with his family

James's favorite foods


Favorite bands and musical artists

Falling in reverse

Interesting facts about James

James loved nothing more than

Favorite place in the world

Favorite TV shows

Favorite sports

Proud saints fan


James Charlies Burns, born on November 22, 1996, in Saint Joseph, Missouri, passed away on October 8, 2024, in Charlotte, North Carolina. A proud United States Marine, James achieved significant milestones in his life, most notably graduating from basic training in December 2015.

James was known for his loving and strong personality, always bringing joy to those around him. He had an innate ability to lift spirits and maintain peace within his family. His favorite hobbies included long walks in nature and sharing his love for anime with his family. James was a passionate fan of the New Orleans Saints, embodying the spirit of camaraderie and loyalty.

He is remembered for his deep compassion, as reflected in an anecdote shared by friends and family about the time he stopped on the side of the road to save a bird, demonstrating his peaceful soul and kindhearted nature.

James is survived by his mother, Kiva Burns, twin brother, Christopher Burns, and sister, Karolyn Burns. He lived by the motto, "The best part of hitting rock bottom is the only direction to go is up," a testament to his resilient spirit. James will be deeply missed by all who knew him.

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Nació el November 22, 1996

Saint Joseph, MO

Falleció el October 8, 2024

Charlotte, NC

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El memorial de James Charlies Burns está gestionado por Christopher Burns.

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