Herman Longs Sr.

16 may 1931 - 12 mar 202516 de mayo de 1931 - 12 de marzo de 2025

Photo of Herman

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Herman Longs Sr.

16 may 1931 - 12 mar 202516 de mayo de 1931 - 12 de marzo de 2025

Place of birth

Memphis, TN

Most recently lived in

Lloyd's favorite hobbies

Lloyd's favorite foods

Favorite bands and musical artists

Interesting facts about Lloyd

Lloyd loved nothing more than

Favorite place in the world

Favorite TV shows

Favorite sports

Ohio State Football



Mr. Herman Longs Sr., age 94, died in

Columbus, Ohio on early Wednesday Morning March 12th,


Born on May 16th, 1931, in Memphis, TN until he moved and settled in

Columbus, Ohio.

Herman drove trucks for

Value City furniture until retiring

in 1989

Herman served in the United States Army. He also

received his education in the Columbus Public School

System graduating from Columbus East High School class of


On June 2, 1969, he married his high school sweetheart

Laura (Green). Herman loved college football especially “The

Ohio State Buckeyes & Georgia Bulldogs.

Herman also was called "The Tennessee Plow Boy", and was often called

“Mr. Haney” from the TV show Green Acres

Survivors include his longtime companion, Francis Longs,

and sister Ellen (James), Tammy, & brothers Mark, Berry

along with his 3 children Marshawn, Charles, Stephanie, and numerous

grandchildren Tracey, Derek, David, Diane, Marcus,

Nancy, Michael, Connie, Lucy & Andrea. James was preceded

in death by his father George Longs, and mother

Lucille Cannon.

Ceremonias pasadas

Celebración de la vida


sábado, 22 de marzo de 2025, 13:00


Mt. Carmel Baptist Church 608 Stambaugh Ave, Columbus, OH 43207

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Libro de visitas de Herman

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Nació el May 16, 1931

Memphis, TN

Falleció el March 12, 2025

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