3 mar 1960 - 20 abr 20243 de marzo de 1960 - 20 de abril de 2024
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Huntsville, AL
Nashville, TN
Henri had a knack for working with his hands. Whether it was crafting intricate woodwork creations, restoring classic cars, or tinkering with mechanical projects, his dedication to craftsmanship and attention to detail were evident in everything he created.
His wife, Linda Schneider. Henri and Linda married on January 1, 1990. They met in Germany in spring of 1985 while Henri was visiting family, and Linda was studying abroad. They quickly fell in love with each other and flew back to the US with a new future in mind.
Henri passed away in his sleep on April 20, 2024 from a subdural hematoma. Doctors say the cause was spontaneous intracranial hypotension, and there was nothing anyone could have done to prevent it.
A private Memorial Service will be held by close family and friends at Henri’s home.
viernes, 26 de abril de 2024, 15:00
Nashville, TN
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Huntsville, AL
Nashville, TN