Harold "Hal" Pyke Jr.

Nov 16, 1931 - Sep 10, 2022

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Harold "Hal" Pyke Jr.

Nov 16, 1931 - Sep 10, 2022

Place of birth

Cambridge, MA

Military service

US Army 1st Lieutenant stationed in Germany


Graduated from Knox College and received Masters Degree at Boston University


Pioneer in Public Television Production at WGBH in Boston and developed closed-circuit television systems for the medical industry throughout New England

Community service

Acting City Manager of Deland, FL, where he spearheaded the redevelopment of the airport business park, downtown, and historic areas


Survived by his sons, Harold F. Pyke III, David R. Pyke, and his daughter Katy Brohlman, as well as four grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren


Remembered fondly for his many contributions to his profession, his community, and his family


In lieu of flowers, please consider making a donation to the Lucy Mackenzie Humane Society in Windsor or the Alzheimer's Association of Vermont

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Born on November 16, 1931

Cambridge, MA

Passed away on September 10, 2022

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