Gertrude (Trudy) Jeanette Wolfe lueck

Aug 28, 1928 - Dec 31, 2024August 28, 1928 - December 31, 2024

Photo of Gertrude (Trudy)

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Gertrude (Trudy) Jeanette Wolfe lueck

Aug 28, 1928 - Dec 31, 2024August 28, 1928 - December 31, 2024

Place of birth

Phoenix, AZ

Most recently lived in

El Centro, CA

Gertrude (Trudy)'s favorite hobbies

Loved to travel.

Gertrude (Trudy)'s favorite foods

Mexican food

Favorite bands and musical artists

Loved mariachi music

Interesting facts about Gertrude (Trudy)

Was a long time elementary school teacher in el Centro

Gertrude (Trudy) loved nothing more than

Attending church at st.Marys and catching up with her friend

Favorite place in the world

Anywhere near the coast and Germany

Favorite TV shows

Yellowstone and Fox news

Favorite sports

High School attended

Central union high school

College attended

San Diego university


Gertrude (Trudy) Jeanette Wolfe Lueck, born on August 28, 1928, in Phoenix, Arizona, passed away peacefully on December 31, 2024, in El Centro, California. A beloved elementary school teacher, Trudy dedicated her life to educating young minds and left a lasting impact on her students in El Centro.

Trudy had a passion for travel, often seeking out adventures near the coast and in Germany, her favorite places in the world. She relished the flavors of Mexican cuisine and enjoyed the lively sounds of mariachi music, which brought joy to her heart. An avid fan of television, she loved watching "Yellowstone" and keeping up with the news on Fox.

In her community, Trudy was known for her unwavering faith and dedication to St. Mary's Church, where she cherished the time spent catching up with friends. She was a proud graduate of San Diego University and Central Union High School, embodying the spirit of lifelong learning.

Trudy leaves behind a legacy of kindness, enthusiasm, and a love for life that will be deeply missed by her family and friends.

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Gertrude (Trudy)

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Gertrude (Trudy)

Born on August 28, 1928

Phoenix, AZ

Passed away on December 31, 2024

El Centro, CA

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Gertrude (Trudy)
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Gertrude (Trudy) Jeanette Wolfe lueck's memorial is managed by wolfedeianira.

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