Gerrie Magret Comer

1 ene 1940 - 11 oct 20241 de enero de 1940 - 11 de octubre de 2024

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Gerrie Magret Comer

1 ene 1940 - 11 oct 20241 de enero de 1940 - 11 de octubre de 2024

Place of birth

Seattle, WA

Most recently lived in

Spokane, WA

Gerrie's favorite hobbies

Gerrie graduated from the UW with a Art History degree while pursuing her love of art, painting and sculpture. Gerrie and her late husband Bernie both enjoyed travel to parts of Europe to explore the great works of art, architecture and culture.

Gerrie's favorite foods

Gerrie was a true culinary master. The dinner parties she shared were out of this world. From her prime rib to a ceasar salad and delightful vegetable dishes to desert it was memory never to forget.

Favorite bands and musical artists

Interesting facts about Gerrie

Gerrie loved nothing more than

Spending time with her grandchildren was something she always looked forward to. Shopping, painting and creating a special lunch for her grandchildren really made her happy.

Favorite place in the world

Seattle was her favorite place in the world. Throughout the years she was involved with Seattle's art community. She sang opera for Seattle Light Opera for years, also worked behind the scenes in production.

Favorite TV shows

Favorite sports


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Libro de visitas de Gerrie

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Fotos de Gerrie

La línea de tiempo de Gerrie con fotos, videos, audios e historias.

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Nació el January 1, 1940

Seattle, WA

Falleció el October 11, 2024

Spokane, WA

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El memorial de Gerrie Magret Comer está gestionado por eamonirish.

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