Gerald Micheal Webb

12 oct 1987 - 13 abr 202112 de octubre de 1987 - 13 de abril de 2021

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Gerald Micheal Webb

12 oct 1987 - 13 abr 202112 de octubre de 1987 - 13 de abril de 2021

Most recently lived in


Most recently lived in

Gerald's favorite hobbies

Gold panning

Gerald's favorite foods

His moms taco's

Favorite bands and musical artists

Interesting facts about Gerald

Jerry was such a unique and caring individual. He was so smart and could fix anything

If you could tell Gerald anything today, what would you say?

I can feel you in my soul. You are my forever love and I miss you so much

Gerald loved nothing more than

Helping people

Favorite place in the world

Any running creek

Favorite TV shows


Jerry was born to Christopher Bell and Terri Webb in Susanville CA. He had his step-mother Raven in his life for the first part which he spoke highly of and Cassie in the later years which he loved as well. He had several brothers and sisters that he adored and would speak of often. He met and married his wife, Pamela in 2010 and they shared many adventures and always seemed to have a good time. Every where he went he made a friend. Jerry would give you the shirt off his back and has many times. Jerry chose to live a life of freedom in the last couple of years of his life going from one running creek to another where he panned gold fervently and was very good at. Jerry also leaves 3 step daughters and 11 step grandchildren, 5 of which called him Grandpa Jerry. You could tell this made him happy.

Jerry can never be replaced. He was a diamond with a heart of gold that none of us had enough time with. He will be forevrr in my heart and loved by so many...

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Libro de visitas de Gerald

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Fotos de Gerald

La línea de tiempo de Gerald con fotos, videos, audios e historias.

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Nació el October 12, 1987

Falleció el April 13, 2021


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El memorial de Gerald Micheal Webb está gestionado por pamelaenglishwebb.

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